Teacher | Private Tutor
Maths & English General Workshops
These workshops are to plug gaps, revise important vocabulary and cover a lot of the basics- what I would call the “nitty-gritty”! I cover problem solving, vocabulary, methods and techniques in Maths. In English, I cover punctuation, techniques in
answering different question types in comprehension and using different sentence types.
The beauty of the sessions being on zoom is that you, as a parent, can listen in, take notes and gain an idea of the standard needed to help your child.
These workshops are £25 each. They last 1¼ hours and are on zoom.
For more information or to book please contact me.
English Workshops:
25th July 9 am - Sentence Types 1
26th July 9 am - Sentence Types 2
27th July 9 am - Sentence Types 3
1st September 2 pm - Punctuation
2nd September 2 pm - Comprehension
Maths Workshops:
29th August 2 pm - Maths Vocabulary
30th August 2 pm - Problem Solving
31st August 2 pm - Problem Solving
5th September 2 pm - Tricky Maths Questions.