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English tuition Birmingham

English Tuition In Birmingham



English Tuition In Birmingham

I like to call them workshops and not courses or lessons because I like the children to engage, try new things, share and have a go at new skills. The workshops are held via Zoom and usually last around an hour and a quarter. My creative writing workshops are designed for children in years three to six who wish to improve their creative writing skills.


They are especially suitable for children looking to be inspired and write for pleasure, but also for those who need the confidence to write imaginatively and descriptively under timed pressure.


They will learn how to write stories, having a whole range of story openings, endings, plots and ideas up their sleeve. They will learn to write settings, descriptions and character studies and play around with language in an exciting way, extending their vocabulary. What’s more, they will enjoy doing it and feel confident in their writing.


Even the most reluctant writer has become a motivated one!


All they need is a lined A4 writing book, a pen and some colours.


The cost for a one and a quarter hour session is £25.

English Tuition In Birmingham


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